Specialised for the serious restaurant

Our aim is to revolutionize liquid beverage deliveries, drive throughs and pick-up orders. We enable coffee shops and restaurants to delight their customers. Our Beverage SEAL product enable spill-free deliveries to clients.

No more spilling! In addition, the Beverage SEAL seal in freshness and reduce temperature loss during delivery. In combination with the CoolHOTbox it is a game changer.

To top it of, add the Tamper free seal and you have a premium customer experience.


The CoolHOTBox is an innovation that is set to change the delivery of hot and cold beverages forever. In combination with the Beverage SEAL it prevents spilling and keeps the temperature at the desired level during delivery.

It is so Cool… or Hot… hence the name. Amazingly, even if cold and hot beverages are transported together, it works by keeping the cold beverages cold and the hot beverages hot.

Try it out, works like a charm. Especially if you do your own deliveries, the CoolHOTbox will quickly find a soft spot in your heart.